The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3014984
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
25-Oct-10 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Yeah, and who helped him with the drumming?

Hang on sailor.. What was all that about this Jesus dude slaying his enemies? As christianity goes, that sounds more like Crusades than my mother in law running the local Sunday School. If not having an imaginary friend makes me an enemy of his, then pass me some nails, I'm off up the ladder!

Darwin studied theology, yes. I have read the odd comic myself for that matter. Darwin was learned in such matters for two reasons as I saw it;

1. It served as the critical friend for his research.

2. It got him a shag with his pious cousin.

The laws of physics are defied all the time. Mainly because we have to have two sets of laws; the laws we can experience and measure, and the laws governing quantum mechanics. Now.. the laws of physics for the observable universe have been honed and tested over the years, so it holds that Newton got it right regarding what we can see, but the main plank of The Principia, that of constant state, proved to be wrong, although with the tools and prior knowledge he had available to him, we can forgive him that one. Max Planck saw that things were down to small quantities (quanta) rather than continuous but it took others to see beyond that, Einstein leading the way.

if the work of Newton, Galileo, Planck et al was revered in the same way as many would want the bible, q'ran or tora to be respected, I doubt we would have got much further in advancing knowledge.

Of course, the dolphins have their own creed. Smells a bit fishy to me..... I looked up a definition of sentient; my dog is a sentient being.