The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #301512
Posted By: GUEST,I'm with Chef
20-Sep-00 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
All of you people dumping on Chef should go back and read his first post.

Chef pointed out that the price at Camsco was higher than at CDNow. He said he understood that and didn't mind. That's the difference in dealing with a small company vs. a big coroporation. What he objected to was the difference in shipping costs. Does it cost Dick more to ship or is he hiding a higher price within the shipping costs?

Folk Legacy charges the same as CDNow for shipping. I don't believe Dick's costs are higher than Sandy's.

If Dick's cost to sell CDs is higher than CDnow's, then it is quite legitimate for him to price the product higher. Let him charge $13.98 instead of $12.98. But don't hide the price difference in a phony shipping charge.

You know, some of you make out that Mudcat is such a wonderful, open place. You deny that it is cliqueish. But when someone steps out of the Mudcat party line, you destroy them and prove again and again what a clique you are.

THAT'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE POST AS GUESTS. THEY DON"T NEED THE ABUSE OF THE MUDCAT CLIQUE. Just watch now, the clique is about to start flaming me.