The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3015304
Posted By: akenaton
25-Oct-10 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
Well its not all bad, this thread has given me some of the best laughs I've had in years.

Starting with Crow Sister. "As an aside, it's a bummer this topic is too far outside the remit of Folk against Fascism"

Arthur from the Emerald Isle, "doesn't support voilence in any form"

Lizzie wants to get "the Army the Navy, the RAF, AND Dads Army involved"

Mauvepink doesn't mind a bit of protesting, as long as there's no "foul language" involved.

Rafflesbear doen't know what to protest about

Emma's too much of an intellectual to get her hands bloody.

Leveller's still fighting the Tories.

We all know what the problem is, capitalism is finished with us. It leaves its demented daughter Fascism to gobble up the blood and guts.

No point in appealing to the forces, as Emma says they have all the guns and will not hesitate to shoot us down like dogs.

You're all too fucking "liberal" for a revolution why dont you just go down the pub and organise a nice session of anti BNP songs...:0)

In 2003 after the Labour Party had turned us all into murdering bastards, I stood with 100,000 Scots outside the Scottish Exhibition Conference Centre listening to all the speeches...the crowd was an angry growling beast, but the speech makers were hollow men, more interested in the effect of tomorrows headlines on their careers than in revolution.

A thousand police ringed the Centre to defend those inside...and indeed, I would have stormed it single handed and personally despatched the whole Labour cabinet, but in the event the people milled around for a while, then we all went home to have our tea.

There are two options, stick with capitalism/fascism, take your medicine and shut the fuck up.
Or decide that we need a completely different type of society, a society which in its construction will involve pain suffering and poverty, before humanity finds its true place in this world.

Do you think you're hard enough?