The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #301537
Posted By: M.Ted
20-Sep-00 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
So Chef was a real bum for questioning the price of shipping, even though his comment turned out to be valid, and caused the charge to be re-evaluated, and hopefully, changed--

This is the sort of attitude that I has bothered me for years--it is has the feel of the "lock-step" "toe the party-line", "All of us are equal, but some are more equal than others" mentality--

"Don't criticize, the ones at the top know better than you, --you're new, you don't understand, stay in your place, this is a question of Loyalty"all are brought in to play to defend everything from mediocre musicianship, to inept business practices, and blatant favoritism in bookings, billings, and playing opportunities--

When the whole staff of CAMSCO is away in England, and nobody is minding the store so that orders sit,don't anyone talk about the high cost of this or that, or how cold and impersonal (or money driven) CDNow, or how the mass market doesn't want to buy the good music--and please, don't through the "LOYALTY" business at me, because the problems lie elsewhere--