The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25613   Message #301549
Posted By: mousethief
20-Sep-00 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why I'm better than you are
Subject: Why I'm better than you are
I opened this thread as a public service for the smugly self-superior, who find a need to muddy the waters in virtually every thread, and might like one of their own, poor sods.

Use this thread to post why you are better than all the rest of us --

-because you're not an in-crowd member,
-because you are,
-because you know what "real" folk is,
-because you don't
-because you are from a persecuted minority,
-because you persecute minorities,
-because you post under "GUEST",
-because you don't,
-because you're aryan,
-because you're not aryan,
-because you hate gypsies,
-because you love gypsies,
-because you never say "gypsies" ....


No holds barred, be as nasty as you want. Not that the smugly self-superior ever bar any holds, or feel any compunction about being as nasty as they want, of course.

Hopefully we can corral all this bulltookey into one thread, and avoid thread-creep on the other threads in this direction.
