The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3016745
Posted By: Green Man
27-Oct-10 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Someone said they would be interested to hear how an atheist decides what is right or wrong/moral or immoral. Its pretty basic. That which hurts me hurts other people. Don't hurt other people and they (probably) won't hurt you. Likewise moral systems are usually developed by groups as part of their infrastructure. Imposed morals such as churches no matter what church are sometimes looked at as 'a good idea' or not!

The common denominator that binds all of us is the thrust toward survival. It is counter survival behaviour to make enemies. Most people don't like pain (physical or mental) and react negatively to it. Whether this means sticking a spear in your back because that's how you murdered his brother or by writing a letter to the press to protest your behaviour.

I was brought up in a Christian household. As I grew up I realised that the tenets of this faith weren't generally followed by most people and subsequently I left to look for answers elsewhere. I have travelled extensively and found some answers but not a complete one. Folks is Folks and mainly they are a nice bunch. Religion is a business that causes wars. I want no part of it. I realise that to say I am unaffected is naive as I live in the real world and am far from being a hermit.

I ask you, for all the high ideals of whatever church or religion that you belong to, can you say unequivecably that you have found the answer when there are so many that disagree.

One mans salvation is another mans hell. I forget who's quote that is but it does sort of sum up what's happening at on our world at the moment.

The Koran says that to kill innocents and children in the pursuit of war is sinful and will send you to hell. Thou shalt Not Kill will be familiar to Christians, I could go on and have for far too long so I will end with this.

The Journey is the reward.

Peace to you all