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Thread #132816   Message #3016842
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
27-Oct-10 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
>>I ask you, for all the high ideals of whatever church or religion that you belong to, can you say unequivecably that you have found the answer when there are so many that disagree.<<

I don't see most Muslims or Christians unequivocally saying they have found the one answer. I do see that from the so called fundamentalists. But in spite of their vocal energy and spending on propaganda, they are not the majority.

I don't say that I have found The One Answer, I have found the answer that works for me. Sometimes I say to others, "It works for me. It might work for you." Jesus and Paul called us to spread the Word. In the society we live in that is as far as I am prepared to go because of the greater commandment of "love thy neighbor as thy self."

Would I want my neighbor telling me that I am going to hell if I don't do things exactly their way? No. So I don't do it to others.

I don't advocate terrorism, or stealing treasure or land from natives in the name of "Saving them." I don't believe my tax money should be spent supporting Israeli settlers who burn Palistinian Olive trees to steal land supposedly vaguely promised by "God" through the rantings of old Testament Prophets. The whole thing looked to me like a self fulfilling suicide pact.

When I was an Atheist, I had a Catholic put it to me this way. "What if you are wrong? If you are an Atheist and you are right after death there is nothing. If you are wrong you go to Hell."

It remains to this day a logical point which did not convince me then or now.

But what if you are a Zionist and you are wrong? What if you start World War three over little patch of Mediterranean shore line and the Messiah does not come? Or worse what if he intended to come but on his own timetable not yours. What if your presumption to speak for him has helped to kill a hundred million people including yourself and He is not grateful. What if he is angry? This is what I think of when I see the vocal minority of "so called fundamentalists" and "conservatives" playing their dominance games.