The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25613   Message #301750
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Sep-00 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why I'm better than you are
Subject: RE: BS: Why I'm better than you are
Ha! Ha! I like your point, mousethief...

Let's see now...

I'm better because I have absolutely no tolerance for intolerant people! Those who are intolerant MUST NOT BE TOLERATED!!! NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! As for people who are in favour of capital punishment...they all oughta be SHOT!!! Or maybe drawn and quartered....

By golly, then we'd have some peace and quiet around here for all us tolerant, non-violent types! And there'd be a whole lot more property available in places like Texas, too, come to think of it.

Another thing...people have gotta stop saying insulting things about that it stinks, for example. This isn't a metaphor here, I'm talking about actual, literal, tactile, excretory, in-your-face shit. It's time shit got some respect in this society. Without shit, how could we fertilize the soil? I'd better not hear any disparaging comments about shit or there will be hell to pay. No shit! (to use an expression...)

*(The above, and numerous other inflammatory and illogical statements may be found in a manuscript I am presently working on, called "The Hypocrite's Handbook" I recommend it as a career guide for young, would-be politicians everywhere who want everyone's vote and simply don't care how they get it. The thing about a marshmallow is that it can fit any aperture...Watch for the publication date announcement...)