The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25533   Message #301791
Posted By: GUEST,Giac, not at home
20-Sep-00 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Ladies (Rudyard Kipling)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Learned About Women From Her
I think I might cry, or otherwise display emotion!

I've been trying to find out Frank Crumit's last name for more years than I care to count. When I was so little I had to have a stool to reach the Victrola, we had a 78 with Billy Boy on one side and Grandfather's Clock on the other. I obcessed on Billy Boy and played it over and over and over and .... It was during the war (WWII) and I used so many needles that my dad started making needles out of Locust thorns. They worked perfectly and gave the music a nice, mellow sound.

However, I was forbidden to play Grandfather's Clock in my father's presence, because he considered the phrase, "old man died," to be disrespectful. So, I just didn't play it when he was home, but when he was at work, another story.

The record was broken some time in the 50s and I promptly forgot the singer's last name, only knew his first name was Frank.

Mudcat strikes again! Thanks to the link to the previous thread, and the link there to another page, maybe I can find that CD and once again hear those delicious sounds!

Yeeee Haaaaa!

Giac (wandering off singing Grandfather's Clock, but leaving out the "old man" part)