The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3018118
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Oct-10 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"It's certainly possible, as I hinted, that counseling might be in order, of course.

Gee, Steve, you were going to tell us exactly why you are such a control freak--threatened by anybody else's view's on religion that differ from yours. Interestingly enough, not just a Christian's views but also those of an agnostic. It would indeed be interesting to know how your family and friends deal with this.

Live and let live, as I noted earlier, seems to be a totally foreign concept to you.    Thus, as I also observed, your attitude bears an uncanny resemblance to that of a religious fundamentalist. And just as charming.   A particularly intriguing element in your case is that you don't seem in the least to realize this.

Of course, I note your own word to describe yourself --and I have admit I was surprised to see this--was "pervert".   Of course since you have waxed lyrical on philosophical questions, I'm sure you have taken to heart the philosopher's injunction to "Know thyself".

And you were also going to tell us exactly the origin of your persecution complex. Perhaps you could tell us which has traumatized you more deeply--the existence of religious broadcasts or the "iconography" of religion.   Inquiring minds want to know. You do seem deeply scarred and it's a real shame.

Or maybe you'd just like to lie down on the couch. Or possibly listen to the Brahms Requiem. It certainly does seem you need some peace in your life."

I tend to quote whole posts only when I want to break 'em down point by point for response, but in this case I think I want to leave Ron's horrid and intemperate attack to stand in its entirety as testament to his bile. His characterisation of me would be completely unrecognisable to everyone who knows me in person, though y'all will have to take my word for that. Suffice to say that this disgusting and splenetic tirade says absolutely nothing about me but it does speak volumes about poor Ron. I hope it will be allowed to remain in place in the thread as an outstanding example to everyone of how not to behave in debate if you care anything at all for the outcome you desire.