The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3018172
Posted By: Donuel
28-Oct-10 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
To be a normal moral sthiest today is a bit like being Jesus in a village of a few good people living in a small nation of mostly barbarians. I bet you have felt like "why me," why do I seem to be the most moral person amidst all these people who brag about their religiosity while they behave immorally in the basic tenents of life.

IF the 10 commandments were an SAT I suppose I got an 800 (after marriage). I never killed, never cheated on my wife never blah blah blah. I suppose I could have honored my parents more but that is scored subjectively like an essay.

I do not open carry.
The feeling one gets from open carry is somthing hard to describe. It fills a hole their soul. IT grants a feeling of importence with no deserved respect. It is like Cocaine. The feeling at first is like you have just invented something spectacular and powerful only to feel later there was nothing made nothing great.
Local laws now allow open carry in bars specificly. Whats the worst that could happen there? Most of the worst shootings are in schools and on the street.

What can we do to "upstage the rightoious right"? It has been oratory, demonstrations, dress, art, music, movies and literature. IF there are more or better vehicles for peace than that I would try it.

on a day to day basis it is true one act of kindness gets passed down. Even if its only a compliment.