The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20801 Message #3018400
Posted By: GUEST,Bredda
29-Oct-10 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Remember Les Cousins, in London's Soho?
Subject: RE: Remember Les Cousin's, in London's Soho?
Looking back at this thread the memories of the wonderful music are still with me - Noel Murphy singing a patriots game - Bert singing blackwaterside, pentangle playing with Jackie McShee's truly beautiful voice singing Jack Orion, Sandy Denny had such a lovely voice. So much good music. - Andy took over when the french boys went back to uni & as he was still only 17 his dad had to bring in Phil, who moxy introduced to Andy. He left after a couple of years and andy took over. I worked 6 nights a week there behind the bar including all nighter, usually singlehanded, unless I could get my friend Didi to help. Incidentally the coffee was terrible but the sandwiches were pretty good. Reply to previous posting - it wasnt that much of a deathtrap - the entrance to the club was down a flight of stairs from street to a very small hallway where Andy & Phillip used to sit. a door opened up beside them into the club. Behind where Andy sat was a corridor running the whole length of the club which led to another stairway, which ran up to the kitchen of andy's dads restaurant.Just by the foot of the stairway up to the restaurant was a door leading into the club which was the 2nd exit in case of fire! There were also lots of small barred windows that end, which was oppisite the bar where I worked. that was really our only ventilation.