The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3019280
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Oct-10 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"...horrid and intemperate attack..."

Temper, temper, little man.

Gee, Steve, I'm hurt.   After all, I defended you, pointing out that "insane" is putting it a bit too strongly.

So sorry you don't like your own words quoted to you.   Just imagine, all you would have to do is think before hitting "send" and you would have far fewer problems to deal with.   "Pervert" was, after all, your own name for yourself. I don't have to make up my material; I just read what others have written.    And am rarely disappointed.

Interesting, you were telling us how much you enjoyed this sort of thread.   Now, all of a sudden, the bloom is off the rose. Wonder how that happened.

Earlier, I pointed out that some Mudcat atheists don't seem to believe in live and let live.   While Mudcat Christians don't try to convert unbelievers, some Mudcat atheists think it great sport to ridicule religion and the religious.

In response, Mr. Shaw gave us the following litany:   "peppering the world with churches, synagogues, mosques, and what have you, along with all the profligate iconongraphy that goes with with 'em. We don't force-feed our captive children with very dodgy one-sided doctrine in "faith schools" (not much live and let live about that!).   We don't clutter the airways with our equivalent of Songs of Praise or stuff the House of Lords with the atheistic equivalents of archbishops"    I'd call all that lot pretty aggressive behavior in the promotion of something that's entirely without evidence. Wouldn't you?"

I'm so sorry I neglected to give a direct answer.

Here it is, belatedly:   no.

We are somehow to understand that the above outrages, which well-adjusted people have managed to live with for quite a while, give atheists carte-blanche to ridicule and attack religion and the religious on Mudcat.   Since we know this list couldn't possibly be just a generic whine (and a fine whine it is).

So let's examine the list.

Peppering the world:   as far as I know you have not been forced to enter any of the above buildings. As I recall you have already contradicted yourself by claiming some cathedrals as part of your cultural heritage.   So you seem to be a bit confused on this point.

Iconography and religious broadcasts:   still waiting for an answer on which of these two has traumatized you more.

Force-feed our captive children:   those captive children have in the main turned out rather well.   Can it be that they are stronger than your patronizing attitude would indicate?

And the House of Lords: :your rambling about that toothless institution is, I'd have to say, a bit baffling.   Perhaps you can enlighten us as to the dire threat posed by the Lords.   Since I'm sure it's not just your imagination. Heaven forbid.

To be continued--but that's a start.