The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3019970
Posted By: Ron Davies
31-Oct-10 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
1) " (Hitler) decried atheism."    If you believe what he said in public, rather than how he acted.       If so, I have several bridges to sell you.

Far more instructive is the quote from the song sung by the Hitler youth, the citation I gave several eons ago on this thread. As I recall it's along the lines of "We follow Horst Wessel, not Christ."   That's the real attitude of Hitler's regime.    Anybody who does not believe that Hitler encouraged the idea of substituting Nazi "saints" for Catholic ones, and himself for God, needs to do a bit more reading.

Of course history never was a strong suit for many Mudcat atheists.    Perhaps because it is inconvenient for their assertions.

And on the scale of death, it should be obvious to any thinking person--perhaps that excludes some atheist Mudcatters--- that the deaths caused by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao hugely outnumber any deaths caused by religion.

2)   I never claimed that religion was a good method for interpreting science.   Nor do such religious Mudcatters as Joe, I suspect. Both he and I lean more towards Einstein's declaration of why and how he is religious.   I am probably more skeptical in general.   

But not an atheist.    Agnostics have a healthy sense of what man does not know.   
Atheists--especially some Mudcat atheists, it seems (aside from Bill D and
Amos)- tend more towards an unjustified arrogance on many questions.    And they could use a dose of humility.

In fact, religious people have one more plus over atheists.   The religious are honest enough to admit their religion is at base grounded on faith.   Atheists claim to have all the answers, but when push comes to shove, there are still some questions science can't answer.    I 've watched with amusement while Mudcat atheists have come upon this problem in this very thread.

Einstein, and sensible people like him, have, faced with this, acknowledged the mystery.   But some Mudcat atheists have not.   They have blithely assumed that science does have all the answers. That is, they have faith that it does.

But they have not been honest enough to acknowledge that this belief is faith.    So, to add to their charms, they are intellectually dishonest.

Face it, there are approximately zero positive aspects to atheism, as compared to both religion and agnosticism.