Susan Reed did, indeed, do a beautiful job on the song----with her harp---it was an old 78 rpm record I taped long ago and transferred to a cassette of favorite songs.Somwhere else---on another favorites tape---is this same song done by the remarkable songster JOE HICKERSON. Former head of the Archive Of Folksong at the U.S. Library Of Congress, Joe, an old friend, recently retired after 33 years (I think) at the L.O.C. He and I will be hosting a hear, show and tell seminar about where the songs are to be "found" -- what were our sources and who were our mentors. This will be at the FOLK ALLIANCE REGION MIDWEST (FARM) confab in beautiful Lake Geneva, Wisconsin --- October 13 to 15 . Joe's voice is not a trained one, but I really love the way he does this song. It's on one of his fine albums for Sandy at FOLK LEGACY.
Art Thieme