The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3020071
Posted By: VirginiaTam
31-Oct-10 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
I did not mistake what you said when you said you didn't include me with the "rabids." And I didn't say all the rich. I said the rich who....

I agree that morally corrupt rich can be of any political stripe... Cherie Blair comes to mind. If you ask me the new labour under Tony was merely a disguised conservative government. But I believe with all my being that the Tories are more predisposed to that trait. If they really believed that work will get people off the dole, then why don't they invest in education and industry here?

I knew loads of conservatives in the US (hell, I used to be one in my baptist days) who were selfish bigoted bastards. Many of today's politicians are not that different from the Reagan / Thatcher "me first" exclusive preppies of the 1980s.

And I consider myself to be further left than Richard Bridge. I am getting to the point of exasperation where I want their possessions and position removed or I want them sterilised so they can't bequeath their wealth with impunity to a litter of like minded spawn.

That rabid enough for you?

Sorry Don... I like you personally, but I do not agree with you politically.

All politics is about scaring the public into being led, like sheep. It all stinks.