The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3020276
Posted By: akenaton
31-Oct-10 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
Neutralising tax avoidance is never going to repair the damage.
For Capitalism to work "satisfactorally" there must be profits for those who invest capital.
Thats why the financial system was de-regulated, to allow profits to be made and generate growth in the economy. The results of the credit boom should have been obvious to everyone, but to a government which required ever increasing amounts of revenue, to finance the war, the unemployed, the incapacitated, a health service creaking at the seams, a bloated public sector and deptments to manage every sort of "minority right" that you could imagine, the credit boom must have seemed like a gift from god.

Capitalism is cyclical, as a nation we can no longer compete in manufacturing or heavy industry, and even if we could the future markets will all be in the underdeveloped East.

No point in turning the discussion into a fight between rich and poor, personalities dont matter, as a capitalist economy we can no longer pay our way, we are no longer viable and are being left to rot.
Such is the M.O. of capitalism

We have the options of following Willie and Don into a future where the ultra rich determine how we behave and how we think, and they will be aided in that by the "liberal classes".....just as todays Liberal party ditched their avowed priciples for a sniff of power.

Or we can start working for the removal of capitalism and its replacement with a more natural society, driven not by greed and financial status, but by the promotion of environmental conservation and real local government.
This option will probably take generations....but I for one could not live out the rest of my days in Don n' Willie's "paradise"