The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3020303
Posted By: Stringsinger
31-Oct-10 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
//"1) " (Hitler) decried atheism."    If you believe what he said in public, rather than how he acted.       If so, I have several bridges to sell you."

His statement is in Mein Kampf. How he acted is no different than some Christians have acted in the past.

//"   Anybody who does not believe that Hitler encouraged the idea of substituting Nazi "saints" for Catholic ones, and himself for God, needs to do a bit more reading."

This is not necessarily clear. It's an interpretive opinion. A lot depends on not just reading but what you read and whom you choose to believe.

//"Of course history never was a strong suit for many Mudcat atheists.    Perhaps because it is inconvenient for their assertions."

History is often confused with opinion. Historians rarely agree on anything. Knowledge of the bible is not a strong suit for most Christians let alone history.

//"And on the scale of death, it should be obvious to any thinking person--perhaps that excludes some atheist Mudcatters--- that the deaths caused by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao hugely outnumber any deaths caused by religion."

This is incorrect if you figure the advent of religion over the period of history. Far more deaths were caused by Auto-de-fes, Purges in the Crusades, Burning of witches advocated by Martin Luther and John Weseley and Constantine. Religion has left a bloody wake throughout history that eclipses what Hitler, Stalin and Mao have done.