The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3020475
Posted By: Ron Davies
01-Nov-10 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
As I've said, the main difference between atheism and agnosticism is the degree of certainty asserted by each.   Atheists--certainly some Mudcat atheists-- are more sure there is no God than agnostics are.

Do you agree with this distinction? Yes or no?--though I know atheists have a vested interest in muddying the distinction.

And it is the Mudcat atheists who are most sure there is no God who are the ones who stridently attack, smear, and ridicule religion.

Those are the ones who need to first recognize that this is not a live and let live attitude--and they need to change their approach.   Especially since the religious on Mudcat are willing to live and let live.

It's somewhat amazing to see that some of the most aggressive atheists live in a country where there only about 5% of the population attend church on a regular basis--the UK . Their attitude can only be described as extreme paranoia.   

US atheists have less to complain about under Obama than probably any other president--they'd best hope Palin does not get in--but that does not seem to keep them from also feeling persecuted, for some reason--a persecution which seems to be overwhelmingly in their heads--and for which they have provided precisely zero evidence.   And they do not seem to realize they are not exactly winning friends anywhere by constantly smearing religion and the religious.

As an agnostic, I don't have a dog in this fight. I can see clearly that atheism has virtually nothing to offer culturally---unless you are a really really big Frank Zappa or Sartre fan. Actually I--and quite few others, I suspect-- could remarkably easily live without either Frank Zappa's or Sartre's contributions to the richness of life.   But not without the glorious musical literature based on religion.

And on top of that, atheism has been the worst disaster ever for the world--for reasons I have gone into more than once.   

It is obvious to the objective observer---though, not, it appears to some Mudcat atheists--that, as I've said over and over, Hitler exploited anything and anybody.   Does anybody deny that?

By the way, have you atheists done your homework and found out about Gleichschaltung?. In a nutshell, it means that if you did not fit the 3rd Reich's view of an issue, you were marginalized or eliminated. Quite a few religious people did not agree--and paid the price.

Do you believe that the 3rd Reich sought to replace Catholic saints with Nazi "saints", Protestant leaders with Nazi leaders, and God with Hitler?    If you don't understand that, you will be hopeless in understanding almost anything about the regime.

To say that the 3rd Reich was Christian in any sense whatsoever betrays a staggering ignorance of the situation.

But it's not surprising to hear from some Mudcat atheists. Not that they have an obvious motive for this assertion. Of course not.