The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3020580
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
01-Nov-10 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
Don't follow me anywhere, especially somewhere I was never going...

I never said the system was fair, I never said the rich should determine anything. I just stated that the symbiosis of wealth to fund social obligations fits in with democracy. The idea of "eat the rich" lasts until you have squandered the initial money, then where does it come from?

I am not interested in Osborne's millions he has now, but the ability for those millions today to perpetuate into feeding the economy in the long term. The so called rich cannot eat their money, they have to send it out to work. This then does two things; makes even more money and funds productivity that leads to taxes that leads to a social program.

I said before that the relationship between public and private sector is more important now than before, because we recirculate money rather than make more, as we did when we were a manufacturing nation.

Richard III said above that taking from the poor to give to the rich is not morally justifiable but taking from the rich to give to the poor is. Mmmm... You can't help your "poor" with nice ideas, you help them by raising the bar, and that needs money. The Robin hood idea works in terms of the richer you are the more you pay, and that is taking from the rich and giving to the poor I suppose. I pay 50% tax this year, and have no issue with doing so.

Of course, Richard III's idea that those who pay more also should have less say in how it is spent falls down at the first hurdle.

We are a democracy. My view is as valid as yours, and in my opinion, less dangerous.

This government has to clean up its act, especially with the "all in it together" hostage to fortune the Prime Minister gave himself.   We do need them to follow through their plans to fund the welfare state through closing tax loopholes, taxing the banks more, increasing contributions from richer people and everything else they claim to be wanting to do.


I don't support them, I don't agree with much of what they think is going to clear the deficit. in fact I find myself closer to Ed Milliband than I am comfortable with in truth. But whilst demonstrations to remind them of the issues are a good thing, I for one cannot take seriously any alternative to lowering the deficit and putting the country back on an even keel. If we don't the more vulnerable in society will suffer the most.