The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133269   Message #3021589
Posted By: C-flat
02-Nov-10 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: F*** my old boots?
Subject: BS: F*** my old boots?
The police marksman who shot dead Mark Saunders in the recent stand-off with armed police has been repremanded for inserting song titles into his evidence in court.

"An examination of the transcript shows that evidence given by AZ8 contained a number phrases which are also the titles of songs, including Enough is Enough by Donna Summer, Point of No Return by Buzzcocks, Line of Fire by Journey, Quiet Moments by Chris de Burgh, Kicking Myself by As Tall As Lions and Fuck My Old Boots by the Membranes."

Kind of shocking and funny at the same time....

" Fuck my old boots" ??? That's a new one on me!