The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25641   Message #302185
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
21-Sep-00 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: Music You Have To Dance To?
Subject: RE: Music You Have To Dance To?
Well, Peter, "Blue Suede Shoes" obviously and any uptempo dixieland number like "Whistling Rufus" does it for us. And for a slow smoochy one : "Smoke gets in your eyes", especially the Platters version, is "our song".But then, as Bert Al-Hansell, the Pasha of Mudcat (may his dreams be always of gorgous houris and may he awake to the perfume of violets)is fond of reminding me, I'm stuck in the '50s!
RtS ("Yo' dancin'?" "Yo' askin'?")