The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132864 Message #3022749
Posted By: GUEST,Booklynrose
03-Nov-10 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Folk Singers who Have Died
Subject: RE: Folk Singers who Have Died
I started reading this thread because I'm still reeling from 2009 when we lost a LOT of folk singers. Already mentioned were Sandy Paton, Mike Seeger & Mary Travers who all died last year. I did not see the names of Bess Lomax Hawes, Richie Schulberg, Mary LaMarca, Susan Contento (in NYC)who died last year. I'm also going to drift from the thread's focus to share my pleasure that three singers who seemed desperately ill in December 2009 are still with us, Jean Ritchie, Jerry Epstein, & Ray Fisher.