The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131815   Message #3022767
Posted By: GUEST,Bobert at the library...
03-Nov-10 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Subject: RE: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Well, well, well...

Seems as if the sellers have accepted our offer...

There is a little bit of a rub here in that they are behind in both their 1st mortgage and their 2nd mortgage and the payoffs may exceed the proceeds my be insufficeint to pay both off however... these days of forclousures, the lending institutions may very well take a "short sale" over gambling on a forclousure???

Things will get presented to the lenders tomorrow so...

...2 steps forward and one back...
