The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3023427
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
04-Nov-10 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010

I think that there are certain reasonable requirements for teachers in religious institutions. Likewise for priests and preachers and for science teachers at other professionals at secular institutions.

A your woman was recently threatened with expulsion from a North Carolina University. I don't recall exactly which University. I believe it was UNC Chapel Hill. That detail is not important to the case. She threatened to sue the University for religious discrimination because she was saying Homosexuality was a sin and wrong and Gays should be told that. The University replied with, (I am paraphrasing from memory.) "If you want to get a degree in psychological counseling, you need to follow the standard practices of the psychological counseling community and you will tell them no such thing. Furthermore you will have to take sensitivity training and prove to us in your behavior that you have learned the lessons therein.

I believe that when a person's expressed beliefs violates the core values of an institution, then that institution should be allowed to refuse entry to that person because of those beliefs.