The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133299   Message #3023455
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Nov-10 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling GfS......
Subject: RE: BS: Calling GfS......
Little Hawk, Yo ho,...Flattery will get you nowhe....Hey, what am I saying!?! I'll figure something out here. I'm not into 'Facebook', with all I've heard about it....but, I'm going to figure someway to touch bases. Maybe send you some music, just for shits and giggles. One of them is TOO big, even in MP3 to fit into an E-mail. Got some vocal stuff, that you may enjoy....but then you might not, which case I'll throw myself off a cliff!..and land on a big cactus!

Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner.

As far as the 'independent thinker' stuff....something happened to me years ago, (Which I'll get into later), and I saw it all unfold. Can't explain why or how, but it changed everything. When I got together with the Tewa, we instantly hit it off, and we shared lots of ...umm..'notes'(?)...which confirmed a lot of stuff I saw. I even wrote of it, in the first part of a screenplay, in some detail, in 1990. When the screenplay was being looked at, and considered at ...(maybe I shouldn't say here), 911 happened. They loved the work, but because of the events then, they held up EVERYTHING they were doing. In retrospect, and as time went on, it was dead on!!!..However, it has the element of being 'timeless', as they said, but ahead of its time. Well, here we are!! Even though it was sorta a 'love' story, I was also told it was HIGHLY political and spiritual (for the time), though that was not my main intent. I also scored the soundtrack, and film score....some of which,(as soon as I figure this out), I'll send to you.....However it would be for your personal 'enjoyment'....(well 'enjoyment is just an assumption, but most people do a lot)..if not, I'll start looking for that cliff!

Sometimes it seems like its been both a blessing, and a curse(the event I mentioned earlier), but as it came down, that's the cards that were dealt me, so as they say, 'Once you strike the bell, you can't take away the ring'.

Until then I sincerely hope that my thoughts in some of my posts, though some agree, and some don't, have jogged some circuits, to any and all those who write and/or compose. Sometimes we need a nudge to think in new and larger boxes. I know for me, when I hear or feel the angst, in my brothers and sisters, it causes me to compose or play, with the deeper emotions, that we tend to ignore, as people journey away from their own beings, and 'adopt' ideas and outlooks, that are not even real, or their they drift closer to a death of their hearts!

Anyway, I can yak about this later...other than to say, access, through your mind and heart, the 'portal' where the truth lives, and turn is into frequencies, contain the chaos, and make music...for a distant place, ignored, but within you!!

Absolute Warmest Regards!

Guest from Sanity

P.S. Do you think I could get an autograph from Chongo?