The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3023525
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
04-Nov-10 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Steve, I wasn't talking to you. don't feel obligated to put on a defense.

3 billion are just the nominal Christians and Muslims on the Earth today. There are and always have been other religions, other gods, other "delusions".

>>We've already been here. It wasn't rational because you had to have the belief already in place before you knew what benefits might accrue. You had to guess and hope. Irrational. <<

I also said that I was and Atheist, actually and Anti-theist like you before hand so.. No. It was not a belief already in place. It was not something I had learned as a child. A lot of Christians try your way before making the rational, adult, decision to choose Christianity.

>>It is clear that he is trying to wind people up and get them to post angrily. He actually said that to me.

Of course I didn't. Stooping to untruths in unworthy of you, Jacko. <<

It is there to read for anyone who takes the trouble. You also bragged about winding people up on other forums throughout the Internet. You also started to say "Tee Hee." soon after you said that. It might have been in the same post. Your pattern of behavior and lack of logic, is very clear throughout these threads.

Like implying that you lost a job for your atheism then describing how you lost it for refusing to get a qualification as a Catholic Teacher. No I wasn't there. That's why I said "if you have related the story accurately," But at the time I could read what you said. I still can. It is still there in your post.

>>>Well, I was there and you weren't. There's nowhere else to go on this one. <<<

This is your main method of argument. You say something that you have clearly NOT backed up with reason or logic. When someone questions that you call them stupid for not understanding.

Keep in mind that the title of this thread sets the parameters of the
conversation. As far as I am concerned, I am arguing against the position that believing in God is delusional. The burden of proof for that position is on those who argue the other side. I wouldn't be bothered arguing that the existence of God cannot be proved with evidence that bitter fallen Catholics will accept. So please stop arguing that position and please show some dignity and end the mocking.