The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133318 Message #3023827
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-10 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Start Drooling Ladies-Connery Nude Found
Subject: RE: BS: Start Drooling Ladies-Connery Nude Found
Don't be silly, kendall. The Greeks and Romans and people in the Renaissance had no trouble appreciating the beauty of both male and female nudes. Naked men are not intrinsically ugly or disgusting. When they're in good physical condition, they look absolutely great...just as does a healthy horse or a dolphin or an eagle or any other living creature that's in good condition.
I much prefer to look at nude women, yeah....but I see no reason why I should find a picture of a nude man repulsive in any way.
Now, Sean Connery....seems to me that the main thing Sean has going is that marvelous voice and accent, and the roguish expression in his eyes. He's so damned hairy that one might almost mistake him for some sort of missing link...but when he opens his mouth and speaks, THEN you get what the fuss is about. ;-)