The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133323   Message #3023914
Posted By: Beer
04-Nov-10 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Omar Khadr
Subject: RE: BS: Omar Khadr
I have not looked at your blue clicky 3refs because I do not want to be swayed by any opinion that is probably being projected as truth. So I will give you mine as far as being voiced by Kat, gnu and yourself to a point.
I consider him a child soldier and he has served enough time. Never mind another 8 years. Hell you can kill your wife or visa versa and be out in less time. No proof here but I think that things went wrong in the whole process and got to a point whereby by no one could make a rational decision. It all became "What if"and everyone got lost in the decision making and not wanting to be seen as the decision maker.
I have never seen it as a black eye for Canada. On the contrary. I see it as a Black Eye for the American Justice System.