The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133269   Message #3024047
Posted By: Gervase
05-Nov-10 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: F*** my old boots?
Subject: RE: BS: F*** my old boots?
They were large boots, large boots, boots as heavy as lead
with a dextorous twist of his muscular wrist
he could flick it right into the tread.

A popular catch from the Great War, although the word 'boots' was a bowdlerisation - originally it was 'balls'.
There's an amusing account of a young subaltern enthusiastically leading his company in a rendition of the song as they marched up towards the line just before the battle of the Somme; singing his lungs out with great gusto entirely unaware that the battalion colonel was standing quietly by the road watching them march past. He later had an interview without coffee with said colonel and was told that such behaviour was 'inappropriate' for an officer and a gentleman.