The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133323 Message #3024194
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
05-Nov-10 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Omar Khadr
Subject: RE: BS: Omar Khadr
Christopher Speer, whom Omar Khadr was convicted of killing, was a member of the force which had invaded Afghanistan a few weeks previously. Omar Khadr had been living in Afghanistan for six years, since he had been nine years old.
All deaths in war are tragic. But they are not normally regarded as criminal except in certain circumstances, such as when surrendered soldiers or non-combatants are deliberately killed.
What Khadr appears to have done is to throw back a grenade which had been thrown by a American soldier in the course of a search and destroy operation, as a result of which Speer was killed.