The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133318   Message #3024236
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
05-Nov-10 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Start Drooling Ladies-Connery Nude Found
Subject: RE: BS: Start Drooling Ladies-Connery Nude Found
The real character of a man lies between his ears and within his ribcage, not between his legs! Naughty bits say far less about a man than they do the person looking at them lol

Sean Connery has always oozed sexuality and no amount of nudity will actually make that improve in my opinion. The man just 'has it' but quite what 'it' is is harder to define. Martin Shaw affects me the same way. Of course, the voice helps too and that can never be available in a picture.

In a way nudity takes away something. Curiosity maybe, if you are that way inclined, but it is sometimes to be left with imagination as your brain is the biggest sex organ you have. Then again, it's not always about sex either...

There are lot of men I would love to meet but would not want to wake up with. Dinner is just fine lol
