The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132754   Message #3024267
Posted By: Bobert
05-Nov-10 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Yeah, Amos and the sad part about this is that Boss Hog's PR machine runs 24/7-365 days a year... Hey, they have the money to do exactly that... Karl Rove has already stated that he has no intention of stopping the negative attack ads against Dems even though the election is over...

Throw in Freedom Works (Dick Armey's health insurance company lobbyist money) and they are going to keep pounding away, too... So is FOX... So are the various bogun "American's for Mom and Apple Pie" organization also funded by the big polluters and exploiters and what we are seein' is purdy much what happened in Germany in the 30's when the brown-shirts hooked up with the "industrialists"... I mean, not a whyole lot of difference...

This is a lot like the early 70s after Boss Hog had the 60s scare the living crap outta him except back then Boss Hog hadn't
yet corralled ownership of the media and Boss Hog wasn't drippin' with cash like he is now...

So the Dems and Obama need to go on the offense and tell the American people exactly how they are being manipulated... Obama needs to pull out a play from the Ross Perot playbook and show the American people just how income is stagnant for the working class and just how much cash the rich are sittin' on... Obama also needs to challenge the Repubs to explore sane ways of informing the American people about the ins and outs of policy positions... A good start would be to appoint a commission/investigation to look into the FCC's recent decisions that have monopolized our media ownership into the hands of just a very few and bring back "public service" time, equal access, etc... And Obama needs to put forth a campaign finance bill that limits the amount of spending that parties and their proxies can spend and when they can spend it...

It's all in Obama's hands now and he needs to take the thugs on... If he doesn't then Boss Hog will finish the job of taking over every last little vestige of power...

Time to fight the pigs... (Animal Farm)
