The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133290   Message #3024350
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Nov-10 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians elect Dead Democrat
Subject: RE: BS: Californians elect Dead Democrat
We have not yet seen what could be done if a dead chimp took high office in America. I think it's worth a try, just to see what would happen.

The APP's provisional slogan for 2012:





"Vote for Chongo. He's DEAD serious about CHANGE in AMERICA!"

We've already had a couple of half-hearted tries at the concept, after all...

- Johnson was ethically dead

- Nixon was ethically dead

- Ford was charismatically dead

- Carter was dead when it came to having any good luck at all while in office

- Bush I was charismatically dead

- Reagan was virtually braindead

- Clinton was morally dead

- Bush II was virtually braindead

- Obama is widely perceived as a (GASP!) "liberal"!!!!!!! (this would be a significant asset almost anywhere else in the world except North Korea, Iran, and Myanmar (Burma)...but it's not considered an asset in the good ol' braindead USA... ;-D

At any rate...All of the above have been merely half-hearted tries at electing a dead man president. It's time to go ALL the way. The next president-elect to take the oath of office should by all rights rise up out of a coffin like Dracula when they perform the ceremony. Chongo is willing to do this if it gets him elected in 2012.

Hell, he's willing to do almost anything. ;-) Vote APP with confidence in 2012!