The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133290   Message #3024436
Posted By: Bill D
05-Nov-10 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians elect Dead Democrat
Subject: RE: BS: Californians elect Dead Democrat
"...he can't ram legislation the majority of the country doesn't want through the congress."

You just never stop with those, Doug,,, as I said on that other thread, that is NOT what he does or tries to do...but let the Republicans get full control and you WILL see such tactics.

(In health care, the WAS compromise...but the Republicans voted against the parts they got added! THEN they took polls showing 'the majority of the country' was unhappy with it...and called that 'failure' by Obama! The majority WANTED good, full health care...and the earlier polls proved it.

I guess I will never know if you really believe the distortions you repeat.