The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133308   Message #3024871
Posted By: JohnInKansas
05-Nov-10 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: Tech: HTML help: italics
Subject: RE: HTML Help: italics
Another advantage of the ocassional repeat of a question that's been answered before is that it gives those of our tired old wheezers - - - tired of answering the "same old things," a chance to see which of the newer people have been paying attention and are willing to jump in and help.

(Sometimes it's an opportunity to see whether a previous lesson needs to be repeated a little more clearly too(?).)

If we can't pass it along, and have it repeated, then the whole "folk process" comes apart, doesn't it?

McG - I don't think the multisyllable words are much of a problem. It's fairly conventional to separate the syllables with a hyphen when lyrics are written between or beneath staves, to aid knowing how they match up with the notes, and you can pad with spaces to get room for the chords for the two (or more) separate parts of the word. This is especially useful when there's a pitch or chord change within the word.

There's usually no real need to worry about all the measures being the same length, but if you like you can mark them with "|" marks in the chord line and/or in the verse line. Of course you'd want to adjust the spaces so that the measure bars line up in both if you put them in both.
