The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133299   Message #3025219
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Nov-10 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling GfS......
Subject: RE: BS: Calling GfS......
Little Hawk: "...We are not our bodies,...."

Funny, I was thinking about posting that Yesterday, while driving into town! I've thought about this one, too...your mind is like a 'modem' that connects 'you' to the massive 'internet' of the collective consciousness'...a part of the creative force, connected to all life.

Some may call it God...but, it DOES connect us all..and works best, when you don't have any 'viruses' in it. Those (viruses) only come into it, if you are negligent, and don't keep your filters clean!

The ability to 'process' information, is called 'intelligence' (by definition of the process, not by opinion).

I was going to add something related to the 'Atheist' thread about that, but haven't got around to it, yet; (just too buried in busy).
but I will.

L.H. am getting set up to make contact with you. Be patient..will do.
I'm wondering now if you'd like the music, being as it is a bit different than what you do..but then, I think you may have an open mind. The BIG one is going to be a trick to send...but I'm sure with a little help from 'Galactic Central' it'll happen!

BTW, Yo-Ho....and stay tuned.......
