The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133340   Message #3025286
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Nov-10 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
The only way to "get" Al Qaeda is to address the great socio-political issues and massive injustices that gave rise to people like Al Qaeda in the first place. Otherwise that snake will just keep growing new heads and finding new bases of operation.

Doug - The Democrats and Republicans are the two halves of a single political entity whose combined purpose is perpetual rule and whose game is phony elections that don't mean shit, because the corporate lobbyists who fund the Duopoly are the one who really run the country. NO, Obama would most certainly NOT want to prove that George Bush is a war criminal, because such a precedent would strike at the heart of what that Duopoly is all about, would damage public confidence, and would imperil both parties in the future. It is imperative for the $ySStem that both parties continue to have credibility and that the USA never take responsibility for its war crimes against other nations or admit to being an aggressor.