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Thread #133359   Message #3025338
Posted By: GUEST,A Visitor
06-Nov-10 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Rocky Mountain Express (Tobias/Von Tilzer
Subject: Lyr Add: ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXPRESS (Tobias/Von Tilzer
Just curious to know if there are any additional words to this song and if anyone knows who the original artist was. Apparently it was written in 1935 by Charles and Harry Tobias and Albert von Tilzer. The Sons of the Pioneers recorded it at least twice; the 1941 version on the CD 'Symphonies of the Sage' is terrific. I have a SOP song folio with ads for other songbooks in the back and 'Rocky Mountain Express' is listed as being in a folio by Al Clauser and the Oklahoma Outlaws.

These are the lyrics in the SOP version:

Chorus: I'm going back over the mountains
Through the fields of golden grain
Every scene that I pass brings me nearer at last
To the girl who changed who'll change her name,
My dear old home, I know I'll soon be in it
For this train is going a mile a minute,
Oh, what a treat
Everybody will be there to greet the Rocky Mountain Express.

I'm bound for my land
My happy sky land,
And you can bet I'm gonna choo-choo back,
The folks will meet me,
How they will greet me,
Hey there, clear that track!


Also, if anybody happens to know the melody line, that would be nice...I have a consistently hard time picking it out of the SOP's close harmony.