The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133380   Message #3026113
Posted By: JohnInKansas
07-Nov-10 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
Subject: RE: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
We went down the road a ways to watch the parade, but were only there for about an hour and a half, so I guess we missed about half of it.

Unfortunately the speed limit jumped up to 40 mph (65 kph?) about 2 miles upstream and they were riding the limit, so they were pretty well strung out when they passed our spot. They were also going too fast (for the number going by) to pick out many "interesting ones" to take pictures.

Some really bizarre loads, with toys strapped on in rare (and some rude) places, and a surprising number with trailers full of stuff. I saw at least a couple of "wheelchair" bikes, with roll-in platforms so the rider could sit in the wheelchair to drive; and several three-wheelers that were "extensively customized." At least one 3x appeared to have a V8 (350 or 400 cube range) sticking out of its a**, but most of that style were probably Volkswagon powered.

One kid on some sort of thing with about 9 inch wheels was keeping up, but working real hard at it. I sort of wondered if he'd blow someting before he finished the 3 or 4 miles left from where we watched. A couple of little "sissy bikes" (not quite scooters, but close) weren't actually keeping up, but weren't falling back too fast.

Lin tells me she found some videos on YouTube from last years run; but I haven't looked at them yet to see if a link is worthwhile.
