The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133380   Message #3026121
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
07-Nov-10 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
Subject: RE: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
Arthur_itis, search You Tube for "Wichita Toy Run" and you'll find more videos of last year's Toy Run than you can shake a stick at.

No doubt there will be several of this year's run posted in the next day or so. The run just ended about 1.5 hours ago, so the photogs haven't had a chance to download their pictures yet.

Many, many kids are going to have some great presents this year! We saw one bike covered with stuffed animals, dragging a trailer with four brand-new bicycles in it. Lots of wrapped boxes. Lots of stuffed critters. Lots of smiles and waves--from the bikers AND the onlookers.

Pretty impressive, and they definitely looked like they were having fun--all 3,000+ of them.
