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Thread #133350   Message #3026464
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
08-Nov-10 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Atheist Delusion
Subject: RE: BS: The Atheist Delusion
"I am really tired of seeing some Atheists on this forum implying that only they had the benefit of thought and reason to choose their spiritual path, or lack of it.

I can't imagine a more dogmatic and faith based belief."

All 'beliefs' are delusion, as indeed the belief that there is something inside us that gives us our 'consciousness'.

What we have is a whole bunch of subroutines - with often many other subroutines inside them that each react to external stimului. These are connected across the whole brianbrain by sets of neurons, that if they fire within about 300 microseconds, give us the delusion of 'consciousness' across the whole organism. Stimuli that are not detected this way are simply not observed by our 'consciousness'. I enjoy reading cutting edge research.

This delusion occurs when we decide that there 'must be something in control' - a common belief among theists. Many people who are deluded that they are 'a-theists' do not understand that real atheists just say 'no' to the magical sky fairy stuff, so they keep on trying to justify WHY (and convince others) they need to say 'no'. I don't.

Proponents of any idea are likely to get carried away and try to convince others of their beliefs (delusions). I don't. (Well, mostly...)

Proponents of any idea that is used to control others (like most 'religious belief systems') have a need to spread that control, especially if their belief system contains the delusion that it is the only correct one, and can be dangerous, and attempt to exterminate the unbelievers and heretics and apostates. As an extreme, consider such as the Taliban, who easily justify murdering others supposedly of their own 'religion' on the basis that it can be no crime to destroy those who are not 'true believers' - much the same behavior as previously portrayed by medieval Christians, and indeed a fairly common belief expressed to this day by many alleged 'Christians'.

When the deluded attempt to control philosophical systems that they don't really understand, such as 'Science', forcing it to comply with their delusions about 'how the world really works', you get such nonsense as dinosaurs and humans living together, certain races of people being superior to other races, and the Grand Canyon being sculpted by water in a matter of hours - they use the faulty logic that if a little over a long time will do a task, then a whole lot more over a very short time will do just the same. In Real Life, many things just do not 'scale' conveniently this way - look at all those old movies where they used scale model boats - the water DOES NOT SCALE EXACTLY, and you can easily tell if you know just what artifacts to look for. Such deluded people must be prevented and removed, sadly forcibly, if necessary, from destroying such systems.