The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133380   Message #3026509
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
08-Nov-10 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
Subject: RE: BS: Kansas Town Shut Down by Bikers
There is nothing like seeing and hearing a thundering line of bikers wherever you live and especially when they are doing something big-hearted as well. I only ride pillion not brave enough to ride one of my own but the friendship between bikers is great and from all walks of life too.

In the West, South West and Wales it is really quite biker friendly, is it like that everywhere else now? I suppose it is assumed that the 'bikers' are more likely going to be mature over 40 something year olds rather than a young speeding dare devils. It's good despite the numb behind.