The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133323   Message #3026561
Posted By: Teribus
08-Nov-10 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Omar Khadr
Subject: RE: BS: Omar Khadr
MGOH - What invasion of Afghanistan?? Care to tell me when it happened?? And remember we are talking about a land-locked country two-and-a-half times the size of France witha population of 32 million people.

Here is an example of an invasion Kevin - 24th December, 1979 - Units comprising the USSR's 40th Army numbering 154,000 men entered Afghanistan, a unit consisting of 700 KGB troops flew to Kabul stormed the President's Palace and executed the President of Afghanistan.

The US assisted the Northern Alliance in their war against the Taleban, just as the Taleban were assisted in their war against the Northern Alliance by the Pakistani Government - Where is all your outrage at the Pakistani Invasion of Afghanistan? - After all Kevin you cannot have it both ways.

Troops operating in Afghanistan now are UN-ISAF troops assisting the elected Government of Afghanistan at their specific request.