The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133350   Message #3026621
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Nov-10 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Atheist Delusion
Subject: RE: BS: The Atheist Delusion
Science just gets on with being science. In everyday scientific endeavour there is no conflict, nay no contact most of the time, between religion and science. Unfortunately for religion, science (unwittingly) gnaws away constantly at the Big Mysteries that religion likes to have in its armoury (the one it needs in order to continue to control people). Gradually, unexplained phenomena get more and more explained. Galileo didn't exactly do himself many favours by forgetting that you sneak up on religion if you want to get on, not grab it by the throat. Darwin likewise, even though he was careful not to confront religion in his own lifetime. Whilst many believers now, teeth gritted, acknowledge that evolution is true (they simply have to, as the evidence is overwhelming), they try putting on a brave face and look for compatibility between evolution theory and religious belief. My view is that evolution is actually a lethal (but unwitting) attack on religion. Natural selection explains all of life on Earth in all its beauty and complexity and completely does away with the need for a creator. Completely. The best that religion can offer is the risible notion that God kicked it all off and now lets it all run on its own. But just look at the backlash from religion. A third of US citizens believe that evolution is false (and who told them that I wonder?) and we have places in supposedly enlightened countries where creationism is made to sit side by side with evolution in school syllabuses. It took almost 400 years for Galileo to get his apology. Let's hope that Charlie Darwin gets his a bit quicker than that.