The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133418   Message #3027662
Posted By: jacqui.c
09-Nov-10 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: What get's you torqued???
Subject: RE: BS: What get's you torqued???
Today - the tiny brain in the big car who blocked traffic moving away from the lights by sitting, waiting to do a left turn in spite of the clear sign saying no left turn and the quite obvious left turn lane a few yards further on. My car horn got a lot of exercise this morning!

Idiot women who get all fluttery and giggly at the slightest bit of humour from a man and who disapprove of any woman who dares to show the least sign of feminism.

'Jobsworths' like the one who, in spite of our giving written instructions that my daughter can deal with my financial affairs, insists that she can't sort out a problem for me and that the only way to deal with this is for me to make a (free) call to the UK.