The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133436   Message #3028149
Posted By: Lox
10-Nov-10 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
Subject: RE: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?

In keeping with the sentiment of you OP:

I will not argue a pro or anti death penalty position, but respond to the words of this Juror instead.

You are right to find her attitude appalling.

The idea that she has divine support for her decision to take a persons life is no different to killing because "god told me to" or "for Allah" or whatever psychotic delusion others may have as justification for their actions.

If, for the sake of argument, we assume that the death penalty can be justified, then it must be an instrument of the Law and not of some jurors instinct and divine powers of life and death.

If it is ever decided that a person should be put to death, then it should be in accordance with the law, as judged by a legal expert, and not in accordance with what makes a juror feel great about herself.

I will quickly clarify for the sake of easy reference that I happen to be 100% opposed to the deat penalty in all its forms, however, the argument I have presented above is not about that.

I hope people who disagree with me on the death penalty can see the logic of my political/legal logic.