The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133436   Message #3028176
Posted By: MGM·Lion
10-Nov-10 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
Subject: RE: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
Lox: "If, for the sake of argument, we assume that the death penalty can be justified, then it must be an instrument of the Law"

Agreed; but in the state where this particular incident occurred, the Law obviously states that it is the jury that is responsible for the decision, so that this juror was exercising her rights within that Law, however perverse or confused we may consider her motivations.

Leveller: Any society that accepts the death penalty is condoning, not condenming, killing and, therefore, justifies the murderer's act.>>>

I am afraid I find this a facile point. How 'justifies'? Surely you can see the distinction between due judicial process and extreme antisocial criminality?

I am these days thoroughly ambivalent about death penalty. I detest the concept of it; but cannot avoid a feeling that the world will be a better place without the presence of the likes of this extreme antisocial entity Hayes existing within it and threatening the security of us all. I am aware of the contradictions within my position, so please don't trouble to point them out to me, thank you.
