The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131815   Message #3028671
Posted By: Bobert
10-Nov-10 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Subject: RE: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
I've thought about that gn-ze... My thinkin' is that seein' as they are having a tough time that lettin' 'um stay a couple months and keep the heat on while we are moving stuff that will more than likely just go into then garage, like all my tool and my tractor, etc. would be an okay idea... I know it could turn out bad, too, but we're willing to at least talk with them about it... I mean, they seem decent people who have just been hit by this bad economy... The guy was a successful contractor and built the house so he ain't a slouch...

I donno???
