The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133436   Message #3028755
Posted By: Jim Dixon
10-Nov-10 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
Subject: RE: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
I think Crowsister (back here) has a pretty good interpretation of what was probably on the juror's mind.

Hamlet refrained from killing Claudius while the latter was praying, because (he said) killing Claudius then would have sent him to Heaven, whereas Hamlet wanted him to go to hell. (Of course, it is open to interpretation whether this was the real reason or a mere rationalization for Hamlet's inaction.)

I find it strange that we don't use that line of thinking more often. After all, if a criminal dies unrepentant, and his soul goes to hell, that's only because it's God's will, isn't it? If it's God's will, how can it be wrong of us to want that to happen?

Yet throughout history, even when traitors were drawn and quartered, it has always been customary, as far as I know, to allow the condemned the opportunity to meet with a priest, confess, pray, take communion, etc. Why?